MSG , IN MOST SNACK FOODS. When I realized it, got it out of my diet, I now sleep well. It's promoted as a preservative, yet is unnecessary. Causes many different symptoms in many people.
Many different pharmaceutical drugs given by Doctors as a result of it.
That's one reason I believe that the pharmaceutical companies own the MSG based snack, food industry.
By the way it's made in chyna, people in and around the processing plants have a lifespan of 40. Our FDA goes there and put their stamp of approval, it would never be allowed to be made here.
MSG , IN MOST SNACK FOODS. When I realized it, got it out of my diet, I now sleep well. It's promoted as a preservative, yet is unnecessary. Causes many different symptoms in many people. Many different pharmaceutical drugs given by Doctors as a result of it.
That's one reason I believe that the pharmaceutical companies own the MSG based snack, food industry. By the way it's made in chyna, people in and around the processing plants have a lifespan of 40. Our FDA goes there and put their stamp of approval, it would never be allowed to be made here.