You know, people don't adequately prepare the young honeymooners for that.
When you're newly in love and talking about marriage and drooling over each other, you always say stupid things like "we want to have 10 kids in the first 10 years!"
And that's when we older folk should pounce!
That's when we could really do them the service of just terrifying the living crud out of them.
I mean, really do Bill Gates a favor and scare them right into never reproducing.
All you would have to do is well and efficiently explain that you'll stop drinking to be a better parent, (and because you never have adult time without being in charge of someone else's survival), but the hangovers will somehow continue for the next decade.
You'll wake up every morning with cotton mouth and a headache and eyes that feel like they have glass in them, and feeling like you have been kicked by a tiny mule all night long, likely because that's not far from what happened.
They never stay out of your bed! In fact, you never get any privacy at all. Want to pick your own nose, maybe rub it on their wall?
You can't, they'll be right there, watching you.
Even if they were upstairs at Grandma's eating fresh baked cookies the moment before that, they'll be right there, looming, silent for once in their lives, just catching your immature revenge-parenting behind!
I know you caught that little nugget in there.
Yes, we live with my mom. I'm not only destined to always be caught out in my immature revenge-parenting but I live under a real life cookie baking Grandma lady who had about 40 years more parenting experience than me and a straight up license to still call me onto the carpet for the weird stuff I do.
My kids tattle on me more than they tattle on each other these days.
Comments (4)
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I’ve been married over 10 years now and we’ve yet to be blessed with children. I’m one of 6, so having a big family has always been a part of my dreams for the future. We shouldn’t be scaring anyone into not having kids, we should be teaching them that parenthood is a Stewardship NOT a friendship. I see too many parents wanting to be friends instead of stewards and it causes the kids to look at their parents as peers and not persons in authority /:
This was comedy, and not meant to be taken seriously. I will pray for you about the pain of waiting, but you've kind of missed my point, which was only to make people laugh for a bit. I thought that would be pretty apparent from the sarcasm about Bill Gates. We adore our children and I really pray you are able to have your own and to minister well to those children and parents you encounter in the meantime.
I laughed. And I've also been where yeetthedems has been. Couple decades with the spouse, many years of them married (kek), didn't think we'd ever have kids then BAM - INSTANT MIRACLE! And yes, everything you say is true, and I pray to God yeet gets to experience it soon. They'll see the humor in this once they're trying to wipe their boogers in peace. 😁
Always thought that was a must for good advice. What do you think we are, catholics ? Condoms and pills exist for a reason.