More commentary in link, but prayer here: Lord,
Help us today in our humanity, as a community of believers, may we humble ourselves and pray for resolution to the world’s problems, instead of starting more among ourselves.
You’ve given us such an intricate and complete guidebook to the problems of this world, Lord, and the Spirit to guide us besides.
How can we keep ignoring it all to stay stubbornly in conflict?
Bring us out of our own egos and fallacies, Lord, and help us focus on working for Your purposes instead.
In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen
AMEN! And EVERY KNEE WILL BOW and EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS - to the Glory of God the Father -
Hallelujah! Can you imagine the celebration? Yes, I know the devil and his minions will be unhappy. (The poor babies!) But you and me (and billions of others) are gonna be SHOUTING! LOL! Why wait? The Holy Spirit LOVES to bless people through their praise of God (Ps 22:3). LET'S GOOOOOOOO!