posted ago by tobeselfevident ago by tobeselfevident +11 / -4

I'm sorry but, while I agree that having sexual relations with teenage girls is immoral, these little 16-17 year old massage sessions that led to other things are hardly what got our blood boiling about Epstein and his island.

We've seen video images of pre-pubescent children in a dungeon beneath that place. We've heard of torture. If this is the entirety of the case against Maxwell--that she helped groom post-pubescent practically adults already teenagers to sleep with her wealthy boss, then I don't really know what to hope for out of this. Send her to jail for a few years, yeah. But without the charges of actually trafficking, raping, and torturing pre-pubescent children why the fuck should I honestly care?

Sorry but teenage girls have sex with adult men all the time and while the men belong in jail, the girls usually grow up just fine, sometimes even very proud of themselves for their accomplishment. Until they cry about it a few years later hoping to capitalize financially or socially. If that's all this case is about it's just gonna be a fart in the wind.