Flynn's telegram channel just released this very short, terse text image.
All anons having passed grade 1 (beginners) have to know that Q team will never divulge their status or knowledge until the entire operation is fully complete, and even then....
Why is he divulging it now? Immediately after the release of the phone conversation. What was the point of such a short distraction if it was just that, and why is Flynn so quick to fix the public perception, which both sides can see? If this is really fog of war stuff, why reveal it a day later.
It’s chum for the MSM. Imagine if you and a buddy wanted to prank someone…I think that’s what’s going on here. Flynn is using a SOFLAM to paint the target. I’m not 100% on Lin, but from what I see, he is playing a role (for good). Flynn is using misdirection and deception to throw the MSM into a feeding frenzy. And then Cuomo. This is how information operations are run.
But the timing of that was right before the Maxwell trial, the thing everyone was complaining about that this was a distraction from. Well, I appreciate your thoughts, since I don't have experience with intelligence operations. It just doesn't make sense to me that we take for evidence the words from the very man being being questioned as to why we shouldn't question him.
Flynn's telegram channel just released this very short, terse text image.
All anons having passed grade 1 (beginners) have to know that Q team will never divulge their status or knowledge until the entire operation is fully complete, and even then....
Purkiss makes a good post here :
The good news is, if you don't understand this point yet, your not retarded. You just having passed your first grading yet. You're still a private.
Study hard, work hard, and upgrade.
We’ve got a crop of E2s now that we have to get battle ready. They will learn. This is war, just not the type most can wrap their heads around.
Why is he divulging it now? Immediately after the release of the phone conversation. What was the point of such a short distraction if it was just that, and why is Flynn so quick to fix the public perception, which both sides can see? If this is really fog of war stuff, why reveal it a day later.
It’s chum for the MSM. Imagine if you and a buddy wanted to prank someone…I think that’s what’s going on here. Flynn is using a SOFLAM to paint the target. I’m not 100% on Lin, but from what I see, he is playing a role (for good). Flynn is using misdirection and deception to throw the MSM into a feeding frenzy. And then Cuomo. This is how information operations are run.
But the timing of that was right before the Maxwell trial, the thing everyone was complaining about that this was a distraction from. Well, I appreciate your thoughts, since I don't have experience with intelligence operations. It just doesn't make sense to me that we take for evidence the words from the very man being being questioned as to why we shouldn't question him.