I know I have seen it on here a few times but I never saved. I was wondering what someone can take on a regular basis to avoid getting the coof. I recently came in contact with somebody that just tested positive. I’m not afraid of actually getting it, already did that. It wasn’t a big deal. I just can’t miss work due to a stupid quarantine put into place.
So what can I take on a regular basis? I did get my hands on some ivermectin (12mg pills). Of course I have zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C. What is the recommended daily supplements with these and others?
Thank you in advance!
Best prophylactic is dilute povidone-iodine. In the United States, it is sold with the brand name "Betadine" which comes in a 10% concentration. You need to dilute it down. Use 19 parts distilled water to 1 part Betadine to make a 0.5% concentration. You can go up to about 1% (9 parts water to 1 part Betadine), but stay on the lower range if it irritates or burns. Use as a nasal swab/spray and mouthwash/gargle twice a day as prophylactic, and up to 4 times a day if sick. If you use this, you might be able to prevent catching anything altogether as studies show the coof lingers in your oral and nasal passageways for days before you get sick. This is all scientifically backed and is touted as THE best prophylactic by Dr. Peter McCullough. Watch this video to see a visual (but follow my formula since the doctor in the link is diluting an already 1% solution) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNFJ_IPwZ-g&t=10s