So... my husband, myself and our oldest son are all very anti-covid vax (not vaccines in general, but this is not a vaccine, it is an experimental gene therapy, but I digress)
I’m not around people much, but my husband takes ivermectin prophylacticly, and my older son is around covid all the time (in hospitals) and has not gotten sick.
But my youngest son, is so stressed about covid. He is 19. Apparently, on social media he is getting bombarded with messages constantly about getting the vax. All of his friends were vaxxed with J&J with no issues. So, he has decided he is just going to take it. He won’t hear any reason on it - the fact that his chance of getting sick from the shot maybe more than his chance of getting severe illness from covid at his age. He has health issues that this may exacerbate. I am just sick over this, I told him my thoughts but at 19, it is his decision. I pray he will change his mind. He just wants to be done with it.
I am angry at the messaging that is making him feel he needs to do this. It is so misleading and wrong. He knows it is risky. He knows there is no undoing this. He just wants it “over with” so the ads or whatever stop bothering him and he can be free to do what he wants. He can in our state anyway, there are no mandates or restrictions around here. No mandates at work either. He has never been one to be pressured into anything, drugs, etc. This is social media brainwashing.
Long story short, please pray for him that God will make the right choice clear to him.
I know, right? I told him that. He says “a shot every 6 months is no big deal”. This is a kid who hates having to go to doc every few months as it is for a medical issue. I am concerned this will destroy his robust immune system. He’s an athlete too, I have sent him the list of athletes having heart issues. Nothing. He is completely brainwashed
that sucks, I have a 16 year old son who is an athlete, I am always worried about the propaganda getting to him, so anytime the topic comes up or sometimes when it doesn't I red pill him on soccer players having 5 times the on field collapses this year from previous. I told him about the pro tennis player who said the vax ended his season as he has no energy any longer.
If none of that is working leave him with this, "Sometimes the right path is the difficult path to take." THis is a true piece of wisdom, and he finds it difficult to not get the jab b/c of societal pressure, it takes a strong person to resist, play to his ego, if he is strong he will avoid the jab.
This is the list I gave him which I’ve complied this list from various sources. He just doesn’t want to hear it. 😩
I am sorry, you are doing all you can, I will pray for him, no matter his decision.