I am a healthcare worker employed at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL. I am unvaxed. 4 of 5 family members had horrible adverse reactions to the poisonous jab. 2 people with strokes, 1 paralyzed vocal chord, and the last with what I am sure was myocarditis. With my employers knowing this were still forcing the Vax. “Come on its just Russian Roullette” So you can imagine my happiness when the Federal judge stopped the CMS mandate. I thought I was safe, at least temporarily. I get a email late afternoon yesterday telling me I have to vax Friday(today now) by noon or go on final warning. I am hearing rumors that they will just fire staff on Final Notice. Florida is a right to work state and they don’t need a reason to fire you.
My question…. Is Mayo Clinic allowed to ignore Federal ruling and continue to force vaccines? I barely make it paycheck to paycheck. I am now paying large medical bill from vax injury. I can’t afford to lose my job. Any legal Eagles know if they can do this. I can’t afford a lawyer and don’t know if Mayo can just fire me for whatever reason they want.
Help! SOS - - - . . . - - -
Yet there is another thing to consider. If you comply whats next? Will you have to take all the other jabs that are to come? What else might they make you do? After all that they still can fire you for any reason. There have been posts from people who got real sick from the shot so the employer fired them anyway and in doing so they lost their healthcare.