There are a lot of smart people who just cannot see the connection, especially those who’ve gotten the jabs. I know some intelligent people who had terrible “breakthrough” cases and think they’d be dead if they hadn’t gotten it.
He intros the statement talking only to those who are bad at critical thinking, and then refers to 'we'. In which he admits to poor critical thinking skills and proceeds with the statement with that as context.
If intended, this sentence structure shows a high IQ, self awareness, while admitting to poor critical thinking skill. Which would lead me to the conclusion that Scott Adams does not fit the definition of a retard, who's IQ is lower than 70, though through admission, possesses a lack of an ability to asses the current situation regarding vaccinations.
Provided of course that his statements are earnest and in good faith.
There are a lot of smart people who just cannot see the connection, especially those who’ve gotten the jabs. I know some intelligent people who had terrible “breakthrough” cases and think they’d be dead if they hadn’t gotten it.
He intros the statement talking only to those who are bad at critical thinking, and then refers to 'we'. In which he admits to poor critical thinking skills and proceeds with the statement with that as context.
If intended, this sentence structure shows a high IQ, self awareness, while admitting to poor critical thinking skill. Which would lead me to the conclusion that Scott Adams does not fit the definition of a retard, who's IQ is lower than 70, though through admission, possesses a lack of an ability to asses the current situation regarding vaccinations.
Provided of course that his statements are earnest and in good faith.