If legacy media say that 'vaccinated' people are getting it -> 'Vaccines' that have already been deployed are rubbish and you need a booster - but this implies you were betting off being unjabbed in the first place.
If legacy media say that 'unvaccinated' people are getting it -> the current jabs work and there's no need for booster shots so it undermines their narrative of fear of Covid. (Even if fear of 'unvaccinated' rises, it leaves them feeling they are safe because they've had their jabs)
If legacy media say that both 'vaccinated' and 'unvaccinated' are getting it -> The jabs make no difference anyway so what's the point?
At the moment they are going for #1 but it will wake people up to the fact that whatever booster they get will be superseded in a few months and that the people not wanting this shit in their bodies were right all along.
For (1), one can conclude that it's being spread globally by full-jabbed travellers. And much of them would have no symptoms, because they are now detecting the virus in other countries after the horses have already bolted. So, we might be seeing the tip of a fairly large iceberg.
(4) If Omicron is very mild, and no more dangerous than flu pandemics previous to the Wuhan flu, then all lockdowns must end and normal flu protocols should apply. This will give Omicron a chance to push out other variants, because it is apparently a good spreader. And more mutations down the line will weaken the bad effects further.
Medical folks talk about pandemics weakening and turning less lethal and becoming generally controllable. Well, this is a lottery win dropping in their laps. Singapore make big talk about living with the virus. Well, do they want to live with Omicron or do they insist on shacking with Delta?