But fuck that noise.
This has jumped so far over the shark at this point we're in low earth orbit.
Anyone who is still talking about masking, vaxxes, the "legitimacy" of 2020 election, Orange Man Bad TDS, racisms, denying censorship exists, anti-2A/1A, pro-illegal immigration, MAP/Pedo is a preference, transgenders are brave and virtuous, abortions are cool, all of it.
Fuck all of them.
"I TOLD YOU SO!" is not even going to cut it... "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO YOU WORTHLESS, MYOPIC, STUPID, MOTHER FUCKER!" is now my minimum.
These fucking idiots are no longer just rallying against Trump because the MSM told them to, they are unknowingly cheering on the Apocalypse behind their masks.
We should help each other write their rants. See how much contempt and jubilation we can pack in a few sentences.
Your terms are acceptable.
The evil fun party that would turn into a perfect fusion.