ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

But why would they need to? Lol... $200mm+ in donations and she's "leading" in the polls. She's exactly what they need, right?!

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing strange to me is why in the fuck Pepsi would even need a "Global Director of Security" in the first place. And how in the shit would that warrant a $1.2mm salary?! ROFL. That's more than some CEO's make in public companies.

I'm pretty sure I could qualify for this job, given how shitty she is.

I want to be paid $1mm for a needless job too. I could probably still run my own business on the side.

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yessir! I've been here all along - getting a bit more involved now since the mainstream is essentially going dark. This will always be my home :)

Spicy indeed!

ObviousStatementMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

We haven't had a market crash because the same people behind the Deep State are literally keeping the economy propped up on toothpicks with neutron stars on top to make it appear functional. Money printers are running at full speed. They probably issue more money per day than can be physically printed.

ObviousStatementMan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Plot twist. I was already playing Ride of the Valkyries before reading your comment.

It's layers to this shit son.

Love, Your 5th Dimensional Brother

ObviousStatementMan 4 points ago +5 / -1

Someone let McAfee spend a day with a lot of drugs and the Looking Glass technology.

Only explanation.

Source: Drug enriched time travel

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was clearly allowed to happen, so how would they ensure the bullet would miss to such a crucial width if not shot by themselves in highly controlled conditions?

Exactly. My exact line of thinking led to this same question. And my admittedly extreme hypotheses.

ObviousStatementMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is true. The old adage of questioning faith via asking why do xyz bad things happen to xyz? You could apply this to anything.

ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. In this instance a miracle directly from God seems to be more plausible than coincidental head motion at the exact millisecond needed.

As for the video of the shooter - I have not seen it surface since, but, the day it happened there was a video circulating of the shooter bleeding out on the roof after having been shot. And then the high res image up close of the aftermath.

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +3 / -1

So, just more generalities? And then assumptions about me paired with rudeness/insults? How very Godly of you.


I was speaking of evidence specific to that day/event. Not in general terms of God's existence via miracles. Relax.

ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do find it interesting that there was no video/imagery of the attendee afterwards. However, you did hear a ton of people in the crowd screaming that someone was shot and they needed a medic.

So... if it was scripted, the people in the crowd would have had to be in on it.

And they also shot the attacker. People saw that. That's on video.

Very hard to make heads or tails of this. I'm guessing we're simply not supposed to know one way or the other.

ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Careful with the word "evidence" here. There is an equal amount of evidence for all of the theories floating around. FF, White Flag, Looking Glass, God... the only* evidence we have is that there was a security failure (clearly intentional it was so egregious) and Trump moved his head at the absolute perfect time/angle.

Everything else is speculation. And likely always will be.

ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think this was staged or a hoax. I do think the security lapses were intentional. The thing I can't figure out is the infinitely small chance that he moved his head perfectly, at the exact millisecond needed. In fact, it is so unlikely (after reading a report from a ballistics expert) that it makes me think there are only 2 outcomes - neither of which are provable:

  1. This was literally divine intervention directly from God
  2. The White Hats knew this was coming and did quantum monitoring/manipulation via something like Looking Glass to ensure that the bullet didn't hit Trump

Unfortunately it did kill an attendee and injured others, but, much like the game of chicken Trump played w/ the Deep State re: COVID - collateral damage is unfortunate, terrible and depressing... but if the Deep State is willing to take the shot in the first place (pun intended), they are going to hurt people.

The real mind bender is the chance that 1 & 2 are related. If Looking Glass technology is akin to a "hack" on the established timeline.

ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, I've researched it. Whether it's hearsay, coincidence, malarkey or numerology... there still isn't evidence to support it.

ObviousStatementMan 7 points ago +8 / -1

You can't just say that though. That's fine if it's your opinion that this is what happened. But don't cite Q posts to back-up claims based on assumption or opinion.

We have no evidence that this occurred. It's hearsay at best.

A few slip-ups in the media re: McCain and Bush is literally all we got to go on. The 24 hour rule is in permanent, recurring effect for the Gitmo hypothesis... along with adrenochrome... along with my personal favorite, Project Looking Glass.

All very insane an/or very interesting thoughts, but we should be careful not to present these as "facts" or statements of certainty. Until evidence suggests otherwise.

ObviousStatementMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's certainly an argument that can be made for the values and origins of Anons on 4ch and 8k. But* that's like a whole top tier small percentage of hardcore Anons, I don't dismiss their work, some of it has been incredible and certainly trickled down to here and a few other places. I just meant in terms of considering accessibility and clean content/topics that is easily digested and disseminated. This is #1. While perhaps 4ch/8k is the origin point for much of what makes this place so special.

ObviousStatementMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Walk down the street? Nahhh, I'm good." ~ Gavin

ObviousStatementMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're clearly all playing a role... if Biden stays in, it's self-inflicted destruction. We heard there will be "no deals". So, perhaps there won't be any plea deals, but rather they are all doing this to avoid some catastrophic series of embarrassments?

I can't for the life of me figure out why they'd potentially go along with this humiliation ritual to help expedite the awakening.

ObviousStatementMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just fucking shoot him. This is so absurd. Deport the rest. Execute the violent criminal illegal aliens. Publicly.

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