I keep reading how freemasons are evil and do horrible things. Yet I grew up with masons. I'm not evil, nor do I do horrible things. So, being new, and open minded. I would like to have a civilized discussion about the freemasons! And remember. I come from family members whom are passed now, but, were. Masons. I'm open to here. Thank you.
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Believe it or not, Freemasonry even entered third world countries.
my grandmother's uncle was a practicing mason, he encouraged my grandmother to read books after books of masonry, supposedly later to initiate her, something my grandmother noticed is that her uncle sometimes had a little more money, but then the money was scarce, it was like a kind of curse, as long as he was "faithful" to the principles of the Freemasons "there would be" money.
Another thing that she noticed is that within her uncle's family, there were many unexplained deaths, even within my grandmother's family, she had to go live with her uncle Mason who was also her godfather, because her parents were they committed suicide.
My grandmother suffers from outbursts of madness and sometimes she gets depressed, she is a Christian but in her own way, and deaths have also occurred again, like that of her son who died young, and my grandmother has always suffered from many diseases.
this of Freemasonry leads to curses and goes against the moral principles of society.
many rites and initiations are chilling things as they appear in Masonic books.
Really? Like, how?
my grandmother never wanted to tell me, I suppose for fear of remembering what she read.
she believes that having read all that led her to suffer many illnesses and possible curses within her family.
edited: What she did tell me was possible family sacrifices, but she's not sure, since she read it when she was just 12 years old.