Praise the Lord and pass the fried chicken!
Big shout out to our local Calvary Chapel of Chattanooga, Tennessee for providing the documents. Since I'm an RN, I was pretty skeptical about the exemption going through. And worried. But fear and worry are Satan's tools, not God's. I finally had peace about it and told my supervisor at work that God would place me where I'm supposed to be, even if it meant out of work. She seemed surprised by my answer, so maybe I was also able to plant a seed along the way. :-)
I'm so sorry for all of those who can't or didn't get an exemption. All I can tell you is that God is GOOD, and if you follow Him faithfully and put your trust in Him, He will direct your path. ❤️❤️❤️
Everyone Hass to do what they have to do but to me asking permission not to take part in a medical experiment to keep my job is a line I will not cross.
I'm with you on this one. My employer (super-giant-mega-corp) just blinked and extended their "deadline" another month. I like someone's suggestion to turn in a "request" with nothing but a flag on it, so I'll probably do something similar this week to celebrate the passage of the original "deadline". But I might just add a few notes about the constitution, and ethics.