They will have a certain age that will be determined as high risk. They will cull those above this age to ‘protect’ them. They will take them off to the camps ‘for their safety’ and isolate them from all contact with their loved ones until they are exterminated. Eugenics has always been about removing the most ‘useless’ from society first. First you go for the elderly and the handicapped. Those who are free thinkers or who are deemed intelligent are very high on the list (the unvaxxed). The elite will always need a slave population so will only preserve those they plan to enslave hence the no vax policy for illegals. Illegals are not protected by our constitution and will be easy to enslave. All others will be terminated.
My partial interpretation:
They will have a certain age that will be determined as high risk. They will cull those above this age to ‘protect’ them. They will take them off to the camps ‘for their safety’ and isolate them from all contact with their loved ones until they are exterminated. Eugenics has always been about removing the most ‘useless’ from society first. First you go for the elderly and the handicapped. Those who are free thinkers or who are deemed intelligent are very high on the list (the unvaxxed). The elite will always need a slave population so will only preserve those they plan to enslave hence the no vax policy for illegals. Illegals are not protected by our constitution and will be easy to enslave. All others will be terminated.
Spot on and depressing