posted ago by EndHumanTrafficking2 ago by EndHumanTrafficking2 +35 / -1

Key points of theory:

  • Natural immunity is 13.04 times more effective than the vaccine (and it doesn't wear off after 2-4 months like the vaccine).
  • The "extremely mild" omicron variant is weak and feeble.
  • It is also very infectious, so it will spread through the population giving everyone either no symptoms, or a very mild cold.
  • Everyone will be left with natural immunity, with virtually no deaths.
  • Omicron has 50 mutational genetic differences from the original Wuhan variant. This would take a minimum of 10.3 years to occur naturally.
  • Just as bad actors can create bioweapons, good actors can create biocures.
  • People are therefore theorizing that the weak and feeble omicron variant was created by good actors as a cure to ruin the cabal's evil plans.

This is just a theory, but whatever the origins of the weak and feeble omicron variant, it has our corrupt politicians panicking. A weak variant that gives everyone natural immunity is their worst nightmare.