Excellent interview with Belgium psychology professor Mattias Desmet, who gives his best explanation for why so many people are crazy right now:
"Mass Formation"
• 30% of people are brainwashed
• 40% of people in middle can be persuaded
• 30% of people are immune!
Cheers to all my frens who are totally immune to the brainwashing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM
30% are immune does not reflect my real world experience. 99% of everyone I meet has bought all the long running narratives. Am I just that unlucky?
According to the Professor, 4 conditions must be met before Mass Formation can emerge in a society:
This leads to overwhelming willingness to participate in the "strategy" to deal with the object of anxiety, and a NEW social bond is created among these people!! This gives a new solidarity for these people! This leads to a mental intoxication of connectedness which is the REAL REASON that people continue to buy into the narrative - even when it is utterly absurd! It is a kind of a "ritual" that is unique to that group, and the more absurd the ritual, the better!