Here is my experience with Ivermectin as a healthy almost 40 year male with really nothing wrong or so I thought.
Before I get into the detail about myself. Why did I decide to try out Ivermectin when there seemingly was nothing wrong? There has so much bashing of Ivermectin and HCQ from the MSM, big tech, government, etc that I had to see what they were hiding. I did for science. We are supposed to question science, that's how science works.
Back to my health, I struggle with the usual things that always gets chalked up to life and getting older. A few kids with busy schedules, desk job, average at best diet, not enough exercise resulting in the usual symptoms.
- Never feeling rested in the morning. Tired most days.
- Brain fog, lack of motivation/energy.
- Seasonal allergies.
- Etc
The usual or so they say.
The only real complaint was my digestive system's happiness is directly correlated to my diet. Eat the wrong things and I have to worry about a Joe Biden at the Vatican possibility.
After researching independently and seeing all the positive feedback from individuals and researching the history and how incredibly safe and effective it has been for various diseases, I decided to give it a try because there was no medical reason not to other than the obvious propaganda. I ordered the paste from Amazon (Durvet) and pills from AllDayChemist.
The paste arrived in a few days. Pills arrived 5 weeks later so I started with paste right away.
Day 1 - Friday afternoon - Nervously took 1.5 times my body weight according to the plunger notches. The only thing I noticed was about an hour later my ears had some pressure which lasted for about an hour then gone. Much less than an airplane takeoff/landing but noticeable. Otherwise I had some seriously smelly farts. Slept deeper than I can remember in a long long time.
Day 2 - Saturday - Didn't feel any different. Did a normal work out. Took a nap. It was an uneventful day. Deep sleep for both the nap and at night.
Day 3 - Sunday - Didn't feel any different. Felt rested enough to not need a nap. Average nights sleep.
Day 4 - Monday morning - Woke up feeling really good. Didn't really think anything of it since I had a relaxing weekend. Took another dose of the paste. Same ear feeling for about an hour then gone. Smelly farts and the bathroom was a bit messy. Worked out in the afternoon and absolutely crushed it. Energy levels were definitely elevated. Super deep sleep.
Day 5 - This is when I really started noticing changes. Jumped out of bed. Lazer focus all day. Crushed another workout in the afternoon. Felt like I was in my early 20's again.
Day 6 /7 - More of the same. Feel incredible. Digestive system was doing well but untested.
Day 9 - Took my last dose of the paste. No ear feeling. Farts and bathroom were interesting again. Energy/Focus and sleep quality are epic.
Day 10 - 30+ - Did some travel for work and took a vacation with the family. Digestive system was tested and definitely seems to be improving every day but while much better is still diet dependent. I was able to make myself tired from being overly busy and traveling but every morning I felt refreshed and felt great all day.
Some 5ish weeks in when the pills arrived I decided to give them a try. Arrived again on a Friday afternoon
Pills day 1 - Friday - Took 18mg (.2mg x weight in KG). Smelly farts. Nothing else
Day 2 - Feel great
Day 3 - Feel great. Managed to wreck my digestive system at a sea food buffet. Not as bad it used to be but definitely still a problem.
Day 4 - Monday - Took 18mg again. No side affects. Feel great.
Day 5 - Feel great. Epic bathroom experience but about noticed about 10+ white rice shaped things in the stool. Not researching what it was. Just flushed and taking a mental note. TMI. Over nighted my remaining ivermectin pills (Kept 18mg for day 9) to a relative out of state who just got admitted to the hospital with Covid. Hopefully he takes them and lets me know how it works but most important that he gets better.
Day 6 - Order more Ivermectin pills and HCQ while I was at it from AllDayChemist. Feel great. Epic bathroom experience again with only 2 noticeable white rice shaped things. TMI.
Day 7 tomorrow.
So recapping my health complaints and how Ivermectin changed my life:
- Seasonal allergies - No change
- Digestive systems seems to keep getting better every day. I'm definitely much more regular and spend much less time in the bathroom. Maybe it's just been wrecked for so long that it takes time to heal. Time will tell. The last couple of days have been super promising.
- Brain Fog - Gone - Literally lazer sharp focus all day every day.
- Energy levels are insane
To dive deeper into exercise and motivation while exercising. I was a high school athlete and I worked out super hard through my mid 20's and even random stretches of time into my mid 30's. I always crushed the workouts and it never took long to see results.
Fast forward to mid 2020, my wife and I decided to start exercising again with all of free time and to drop the new weight from months of having nothing to do. I worked out for about 3 months during the summer but every day was a struggle and most of the time I I didn't even complete the workouts.When I stopped, I wasn't noticeably any better than when I had started.
We started again with a new years resolution in 2021 doing Beach Body's 9 Week Control Freak. Kept it up until mid July and while I did get results they were a fraction of what I normally would see. Also every day was a struggle, motivation was usually low, and I was always super sore. It took some serious mental strength to keep it up this long. Took the rest of the summer off and most of the fall. Gained about 10lb's and started back up 2 weeks before Day 1 of Ivermectin. Same story.
Now after just over a month of work outs after taking Ivermectin I'm crushing every workout. Some work outs are harder than others but I feel like I won every time. I get sore but its not a disabling soreness like before and I'm starting to see the quick results I'm used to seeing. I'm also looking forward to hitting play every day.
Another thing I noticed, is that I used always feel hungry during the time between dinner and going to bed and it wasn't uncommon that I would eat more calories in that time period than during the entire day. I always thought it was just weak mental will power since no way was I actually hungry. In last few weeks though I've noticed that I rarely eat anything after dinner because the cravings don't exist anymore. Hopefully this continues and I'll lose a bunch of weight. TBD.
So to wrap this up for the TLDR; crowd. If you are suffering from life and think it's normal let me tell you from first hand experience that it's not. Do your own research and make your own decisions since I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice but I will tell you that Ivermectin was the Great Reset that my body needed.
*Cross posted from P.Win with more data added.
AllDayChemist. India. Five weeks. Great prices.