Is that what you’re promoting? A teenager that you’re rooting for to shoot me because I can see through the obvious lies he’s promoting?
He’s a pawn; the right-wing David Hogg
Maybe you should ask yourself how come this pudgy fuck got so many interviews before he wasted those criminals.
And then maybes you should ask yourself how come three leftists faggots were able to summon D-Day levels of courage after this guy wasted them one after the other.
I'm leaning towards this fren good call.
Because in the space of a week:
-He announced he’d melt down his AR -Pledged support for BLM -carefully stated that Self Defense was a “privilege and not a right”
He’s a fuckin stooge
Is that what you’re promoting? A teenager that you’re rooting for to shoot me because I can see through the obvious lies he’s promoting?
He’s a pawn; the right-wing David Hogg
Maybe you should ask yourself how come this pudgy fuck got so many interviews before he wasted those criminals.
And then maybes you should ask yourself how come three leftists faggots were able to summon D-Day levels of courage after this guy wasted them one after the other.
Something isn’t right with the whole case.