You must use a PR campaign to keep the people fearful. That way they will believe anything they are told in order to stay safe. Ex, in order to stay safe from the cofraud 19 virus, (which has a 99.97% recovery rate), you must take multiple clotshots (which will eventually kill you). See, Fear makes people do irrational things, like get a shot which will eventually kill you, to escape a mild virus which will make you uncomfortable for a few days.
Correct. If this was Ebola, and was killing people at a 30% clip, they wouldn’t have to stand up there and convince us we were in peril. We would know. The homeless population would be decimated. Gone. We would see the evidence of it and be justifiably fearful. This? This is desperation. They have lost their grip.
Interesting note some RNs have recently posted to Twitter and other social media that the hospitals they work at are currently ‘staffing up’ many positions in their cardio-units. Perhaps the real pandemic of heart complications is nearly upon us. Factor in all the recent media propaganda about heart disease on the rise due to climate change, post pandemic stress (PPSD), poor diet during lockdowns, cannabis use, winter cold causing blood clots, the omicron variant causing blood clots and myocarditis etc etc - anything and everything but the REAL cause by vax...........and it is clear to see that you are, in fact, very likely to soon see a true man made epidemic.
Well, I can believe in stress disorder from having to live through over a year of bullshit. I also believe that every diagnosis of that should be accompanied by the most extensive forensic investigation to be sure it isn't due to vaccine damage. I think doing that more would show clear differences.
Remember, real pandemics don’t need a PR campaign.
You must use a PR campaign to keep the people fearful. That way they will believe anything they are told in order to stay safe. Ex, in order to stay safe from the cofraud 19 virus, (which has a 99.97% recovery rate), you must take multiple clotshots (which will eventually kill you). See, Fear makes people do irrational things, like get a shot which will eventually kill you, to escape a mild virus which will make you uncomfortable for a few days.
Correct. If this was Ebola, and was killing people at a 30% clip, they wouldn’t have to stand up there and convince us we were in peril. We would know. The homeless population would be decimated. Gone. We would see the evidence of it and be justifiably fearful. This? This is desperation. They have lost their grip.
Interesting note some RNs have recently posted to Twitter and other social media that the hospitals they work at are currently ‘staffing up’ many positions in their cardio-units. Perhaps the real pandemic of heart complications is nearly upon us. Factor in all the recent media propaganda about heart disease on the rise due to climate change, post pandemic stress (PPSD), poor diet during lockdowns, cannabis use, winter cold causing blood clots, the omicron variant causing blood clots and myocarditis etc etc - anything and everything but the REAL cause by vax...........and it is clear to see that you are, in fact, very likely to soon see a true man made epidemic.
Well, I can believe in stress disorder from having to live through over a year of bullshit. I also believe that every diagnosis of that should be accompanied by the most extensive forensic investigation to be sure it isn't due to vaccine damage. I think doing that more would show clear differences.
Early on when the dancing nurses videos came out showing empty hospital wards, that told me what I needed to know.
Remove the conscienceness when it becomes too empathetic. Says the Hospital administration.
Have we EVER had a "real" pandemic without any absurd ulterior motive from the powers that be?