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You shouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia or see in Hollywood films.
Do you even know where the "six million" number originated?
I think it's worth learning because we're often reminded to never forget:
It all started as Russian wartime propaganda claiming four million Jews were exterminated in the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz concentration camp, located in Poland.
This story was presented without evidence during the Nuremberg trials and assumed to be true, without question, by every judge.
The number was quickly increased to six million to also accommodate the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp.
The Polish government later officially revised the estimate for Auschwitz down from four million to 1.1 million after their investigation determined it would be scientifically impossible to execute more than 1.1 million Jews using Auschwitz's gas chambers and ovens.
Dozens of teams of scientists later forensically tested the walls, structure and soil from both the Auschwitz and Dachau gas chamber showers and found no residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas. Many tests were performed by different teams because nobody could believe the results, despite every team producing the same results proving NOBODY was gassed in the showers at either camp.
Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site staff posted signs in several languages to inform tourists that their "death camp gas chamber showers" were just normal showers.
And that's where the six million number originated. This is a site that preserves southern history that is not told in school they also have a youtube channel. Much of what we are told of the Antebellum period is also given a narrative for political and emotional control. In the 1920s there were a few thousand slaves interviews ~ 70% had favorable opinions on their former owners. One even saying i cant wait to see him in heaven. We are never told of the Union holding camps where blacks were placed in to die from typhus ,dysentry and starvation an estimates million died within 10 years after the war ended . Much of the poverty we ( blacks) still see is from the pillaging and tariffs on the south that built the northern cities. Slavery bad yes but we are told a compromised history of America and the south by grifters the NAACP =communist Civil rights movement=communist BLM=marxist ( communist) W. B Dubois = communist. Al sharpton jesse jackson= charlatons.
How did a million die if there were only 1000 slaves