MSM already creating narration prepairing for sending us to concentration camps
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What does that have to do with what I said? If you handed the vote to only women then you'd assume that it wouldn't be the end of the world wouldn't you? Have you seen what women as a bloc vote for? Have you seen what women as a bloc contribute in tax base?
The national vote was safeguarded by the fact men making dumb choices would be drafted in to go die exercising them, we've reached in the most woke of woke segments of this timeline the idea that women may in fact be drafted in the same vein and they're collectively laughing and jeering about how they suddenly want to be housewives with no views on anything.
Some 12 year olds can drive cars, some people under legal age of consent can consent in a more appropriate manner than those over the age, sometimes paracetamol kills you, you get it yet? Women don't even want women flying them in charter planes ffs.