In my humble opinion I don't buy any of the law of war stuff. Following the law of war is basically throwing your hands up to am invading enemy and telling them they can rape and pillage you and your family...but only for a year...literally sounds like an enemy wrote it half the time. Enemies don't follow it which is why we got here to begin with. You don't fight with 2 hands tied behind your back.
I'll admit I haven't finished the whole thing but everytime I hear it referenced it sounds more insane and more like subduing ourselves intentionally while an enemy runs rampant.
In the LoW manual 10 days is the maximum time period allowed before a detained 'enemy' HAS to informed as to why they are detained.
Interesting. Maybe he had an oh shit moment
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In my humble opinion I don't buy any of the law of war stuff. Following the law of war is basically throwing your hands up to am invading enemy and telling them they can rape and pillage you and your family...but only for a year...literally sounds like an enemy wrote it half the time. Enemies don't follow it which is why we got here to begin with. You don't fight with 2 hands tied behind your back.
I'll admit I haven't finished the whole thing but everytime I hear it referenced it sounds more insane and more like subduing ourselves intentionally while an enemy runs rampant.