-Friend's hardcore vegan "save the animals" Obama/Biden 2012 sticker wife not taking the booster because she doesn't believe she needs it to be safe from the OMGFJB variant, and is starting to question "conventional medicine"
-Bernie bro "all corporations are evil" friend of mine is not taking the booster because "Pfizer is making too much money" and he is not going to help the bourgeoise (or some bullshit like that)
-Wife's pregnant friend was hounded and hounded to get vaccinated at her OBGYN, finally went to get it at some pharmacy, and the pharmacy tech kept asking her if shes sure she wants it, eventually broke down crying, left and decided not to
-Overheard conversation between shopper and cashier: cashier was maybe 18-22, female, talking to older woman in her 60s about the jab, the older woman tells her "Honey, you don't need it, no matter how much they push it on you" and she responds "I know, I don't think I'm going to get it"
-Friend of the family's son just graduated college, looking for jobs, interviewing at my place of employment, got to talking: basically all of his friends hate Biden, the ones that got the shot do not plan on getting the booster, they are all wildly conservative (and mind you, we all live in an upper class area in a blue county in a blue state)
I work in a semi-sales role, I talk to about 20-35 people a week, and just some observations from the last few months:
-Not all millennials are libtards, despite what the media tells you, and I would venture to say they are being pushed more and more right, they just want to be left alone and they hate tech censorship
-More people than you would believe are: unvaxxed (or no plans for boosters), believe the election was stolen, believe someone(s) running things behind the scenes, and even the lefties want Trump back
Don't believe the media, we are winning the war. Don't despair, they wouldn't be kicking and screaming so hard if they weren't desperate.
Lastly: I want to say thank you. To all of you. My wife is 8 mos pregnant, wanted to get the shot a couple times, and even though we don't have the best relationship right now, all of the posts and research you have provided helped me redpill the fuck out of her. She asks me almost daily now "Why are people giving this to their kids?" or "Why are people so stupid?". I hope this gives you a little more optimism.
God bless that pharmacy tech for being a walking "are you sure" pop up.
May have saved a life.
May have saved TWO lives!
May have saved an entire genealogical tree branch...