Ghislaine Maxwell Prosecutor rests... so. Umm... WTF How is this not Yuge news?
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
So no pics, names, aka 'big booms' released etc? Defense is not going to do it obviously.
Let this be a lesson for those who are thrilled by 'upcoming court cases' and not 'Military Tribunals'... Deep State is SOO good at this. Memes don't matter in things like this - power and position does.
Everyone that saw the tranny judge and Corney daughter knew this NY trial would be fake.
Ghizzy has the most powerful demons and pedophiles on the planet backing her.
They were NOT scared..
They have NOT expended all their ammo.
To think otherwise is a fools errand.. let's call it 'Disinfo is/was necessary'..
Let's call it.. 'Soros DA's and Judges must be removed for justice to occur'
This case was originated around 29 months ago with Epstein's arrest (and murder) and 18 months ago with Maxwells arrest. This was what many were looking to.
Who shall remove the DA's and judges?.. Is it those of us told to sit tight as we are 'watching a movie?' and think 'Nothing can stop what is coming.' That is a straight placation to those of us who would actually take 'action' against the Traitors in DC. It basically says STOP to any thoughts of Militia action etc.
Words and phrases go both ways. NCSWIC works that way, too. Be prepared for a very long fight, that way, bullshit like this farce of a trial against Maxwell won't be disappointing.
If everyone here had been paying proper attention, they would've seen that the prosecution team's questions were low effort, softball bullshite.