Since they are in far better physical shape and have access to far more advanced and specific medical care than pretty much all of us( perks of being part of the dog'n'pony show),why are so many of them suddenly keeling over, when what would be expected is for the american population to be facing a societal collapse due to all the people that would be dying left and right before they faced such effects, given the poor physical health of our population ?
I'd be expecting a massive slaughter, impossible to spin or cover up before the athletes started dropping. What gives ?
Lots of USA athletes pay the doctors to inject the garbage can with their vaccine. The FIFA players have not been doing this.
There seems to be lots of different batches with different experiments going on which cause different side effects. LOTS are saline (advocacy shots to promote trust). Some with graphene oxide. Some with parasitic eggs that hatch when they come into contact with graphene oxide. Some with graphene razor blades. And some where the jab irreparably de-saturates the red blood cells (unable to absorb oxygen ever again) causing clots. And some that turn off specific parts of your DNA that allow your body to fight cancer.
Its super weird what is going on. And who knows in what combination you receive them and if they are programmed to release after a certain period of time has passed.
Also, im pretty sure ALL (except the saline obviously) of them induce AIDS. Which is a slow kill. They'll just keep getting more sick over time and become vulnerable to common germs. We are gonna have a horrific next couple years. These fabled "medbeds" better be real. 😂