Aarrow 6 points ago +6 / -0

The agenda is to promote perversion, promote fornication, and degrade women. Make sexual immorality and "liberation" popular.

Think about the LGBTQ movement, porn, and the onlyfans culture... And how lucrative it is to exploit yourself.

The powers of this world work extra hard to promote people in the social spotlight willing to sell themselves. It's social engineering, trying to create a movement. Lewdness is now comedy and cool!

Aarrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was $32.512 already on may 20'th.

Aarrow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you know that the Hebrew word for "meta" is "death".

So with your conclusion of "Meta AI", it could mean "I AM death."

DemonErasers did an interesting Instagram video called "Is AI controlled by fallen angel nephilim demons?". You might find it interesting. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpgn76BpkPf/

Spirits and demons can manipulate energy, I believe they can intercept or manipulate computer programs. Or you could be directly accessing the spirit realm.

Now think about how dangerous neuralink brain chips will be, with read and write capabilities. Worldwide internet connectivity.... AI accessing the spirit realm.


What's important to realize is that satan is already the prince of this world. The people who run the world are already demonized and are being influenced by spirits.

IF AI is giving illegal access to the spirit world, it is giving permission for spirits to enter your life if used to divine personal answers. It could mean that everyone has a potential Ouija board in their pocket.

1.5 years ago I read the Bible for the first time, and after that, people started manifesting spirits around me. I ended up buying a book called "Pigs in the Parlor", and recently did 2 deliverances or "exorcisms" on people. It was very intense, everything in that book is real. There is a spiritual war all around us, and most people are struggling with spirits/demons. I believe we will need a good relationship with Christ to survive what is coming in the future, and to be able to help the people around us. Pigs in the Parlor - A Practical Guide to Deliverance https://a.co/d/2Gauwtu

Aarrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

People hanging themselves because of an invasion 400 years in the future. 🤣

Aarrow 2 points ago +3 / -1

Flouride causes dimentia. Was he taking that out of his diet? It's in every product that uses water. What about the toxins in "vaccines". Theres so many other possible reasons than "red meat".

Aarrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Disease X won't harm the healthy and unvaccinated. It's probably just our initiaton and one of the tests to enter their age of enlightenment. You are asking the right questions, like why would they allow this (the vaccines and diseases) on the population? I'd recommend: https://youtu.be/ja6Ht7RV66w?si=mZpJZVMyqhCVzlWQ

Aarrow 9 points ago +12 / -3

The freemasons/"illuminate" were founded on lucifarianism. Which is enlightenment (illumination) through hidden/forbidden knowledge. Worship of yourself, or becoming your own savior or God.

Which was the original sin, eating from the tree of forbidden knowledge.

This is the occult, and teachings of the Kabbalah. Or cabal? =O

These are the hidden families attempting to steer humanity to their desired destination. The age of enlightenment.

Some of the lower members aren't aware of the complete teachings of their beliefs. And some probably assume they are working with God to destroy evil.

Here's an amazing video explaining lots of this. https://youtu.be/ja6Ht7RV66w?si=-4dyIj4sXWKEakGX

Aarrow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its wayyyy safer and easier to inject people with a substance that destroys a persons immune system, and makes them vulnerable to the most simple and mundane viruses, bacteria, parasites etc....

Then they just claim it's a super strong new scary disease! But really it's just that people's immune systems that are failing.

Aarrow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, a couple sunscreen brands were just recalled because of the cancer causing chemical benzene. It a solvent that comes from crude oil, which gets trapped under the lotion and absorbed into the skin.

Aarrow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Triple 6's on both hands. https://ibb.co/vLtcyVN

Aarrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the creators litterally said he wants it to be similar to the movie the matrix. Downloading new skills to your brain.

And, like Elon said; it's supposed to augment our human brains to keep up with AI technology? Nah, im good. With starlink surrounding the globe? Humans become hackable anywhere.

Aarrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honesty brotha. I found we are surrounded by evil, and that realization ended up pushing me to be curious about if there was a God. There's a reason why the Bible says satan is the ruler and prince of this world. We are stuck in his system. That's where we are down here. Just look at what the elite worship and practice.

I decided to read the bible for myself... I started in John, in the New Testament. I asked out loud for God to show me proof that He existed, and for Him to show me the Truth.

And He showed up man, this has been the most intense year of my life. He showed me the real war going on, evil is real.

Aarrow 8 points ago +8 / -0

It helps to produce a hypnotic suggestive state.

Aarrow -2 points ago +4 / -6

Brain-chips to link with technology, starlink, AI, one app to rule them all (X). Wears the "Baphomet's champion" costume....

Aarrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah.... How about these things are harmless unless your immune systems have been destroyed from taking poisonous injections all your life.

Aarrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Deaths from Covid went to 0.8% compared with 4.8%

"Just 0.8 percent of patients at a facility in France who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and an antibiotic died, compared to 4.8 percent of patients who did not receive the drug combination"

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