I have always held 2 positions about who and what the Q team are:
- A group of white hat patriots, working inside the government to save Constitutional America, who began leaking key info to free speech boards. or
- An operation to teach a small portion of the general public to begin to research and think critically, therefore exposing the crimes which have happened right in front of our faces, ultimately to arm us for the psychological war that had already begun.
Of course, both could be taking place simultaneously. But focus on #2. I've been thinking a lot about Mass Formation lately:
Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM
Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Phenomenon of Mass Formation https://jamesfetzer.org/2021/11/dr-joseph-mercola-the-phenomenon-of-mass-formation/
Mass Formation is a psychological condition of society that takes place under a set of unique circumstances which leads to great fear, and is the foundation of a totalitarian government system. Every totalitarian government has always come to power via Mass Formation, with the government as the "solution" to the fear. The situation occurred during both Stalin and Hitler. The group hypnosis that takes place erases individuality, and people willingly give up all freedoms for the "good of the collective".
Here's the key: only 30% of the people are under the Mass Formation hypnosis. And their spell is so strong, they literally can no longer use critical thinking or reasoning skills. This is why some people appear to be so downright crazy right now, even supposedly "intelligent" people. However, another 40% of the people are actually NOT under the spell, but "going along with the crowd" as the famous Asch experiments revealed how people will lie just to fit in! The good news: that 40% of the mushy middle CAN be reasoned with!
Another 30% of people are totally immune to Mass Formation, for unknown reasons. That would be us. Hmmmm... the very type of people to frequent anonymous free speech boards on the fringes of the internet....
What really clued me in is how the psychologist emphasized that the only way out of this Mass Formation, now that it has begun, is for the 30% of the AWAKE to speak up and speak loudly, until they wake up the middle folks, and the spell will break.
What if: many years ago, the Q team found out the full details of the Deep State Plan involving the creation of the Bioweapon to set up the psychological group psychosis of Mass Formation in order to roll out the world wide totalitarian state? And what if the Q team decided the best tactic was to reach the likely 30% immune first, so they could begin working on WAKING UP the general masses before the Bioweapon was unleashed.
This is so simple, it's almost like Occam's razor!
No idea is a bad idea.....
What if to get the other 40% to join a collective Great Awakening....we remove Trump from the equation. This movement is far greater than one man.
We balance and promote two realities of full bore fix the 2020 treasonous election and save the children, etc. And we change our red pilling and blast forward with an impenetrable collective consciousness of individual and sovereign country local rights to decimate New World Order, Pharmaceutical, UN....
So keep Make America Great Again and One Soul Collective or whatever....consciously split market to gain more market share...