posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT +18 / -1

The NWO is testing what tyranny will work best. A fast boil (Australia) or slow boil (America). Australia is in full tyranny, almost immediately after the "Pandemic". America is in a slow approach, using morality and "social responsibility" as a way to ease people into slavery. We will move into the smartphone centralization control grid with ease, while Australia has already implemented G4S, a way to track and trace people for concentration camps, i mean "quarantine camps".

I do believe America will get there soon, they just need to slide the dollar out of existence for the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) so that all USD currency turns into CBDC, when that happens they will introduce a mandatory smartphone application that will have all of your money, your driver's license, your passport, your criminal record, your vaccine status all in one place. If you don't have a vaccine, they'll just take CBDC out of your account, if you're really a dissenter they will just turn of you off and out of society forever. That's the rockefeller/rothschilds ultimate plan.. total control.