I hate to question my hero, but can anyone give a positive explanation as to why he would back 5G? I know we accept his jab stance as 5D chess, where does 5G come in?
The entire idea of 5G is the "Internet of Things", which means everything is reporting to the cloud, which is nothing more than a control mechanism. Played too many video games, the the system knows and turns off your internet until tomorrow. Eat too much red meat because your Fridge knows how much is in there, you'll be penalized.
There is no good in the tech that is the internet of things. Get as much tech out of your house as you can.
Some think it can also be used for good.
Anyone telling you what you can and what you can't do is never good.
Or better yet, don't install it in the first place.
Trump seems to disagree
I don't think many politicians have a grasp of the multistage planning corporations with the deepnstste operates