Our existence is cycles. Day/Night, seasons, years is what we understand.
There are longer cycles upon even longer cycles that we know little about. Though ancient peoples seem to know more about them.
In late December 2009, a very terrible cycle started. A 12 year long night that got darker and darker as it progressed. This terrible night is ending soon. In less than 2 weeks. What is coming is sunrise which will be as brilliant as the night was dark. Followed by a day of 12 years where all the wrongs will be righted.
You know how everything that could go wrong went wrong? It's about to be flipped.
Everything that could go right, will go right. The pendulum is violently going to swing to the other end.
The wicked will see punishment. The righteous vindicated.
Not much longer to go... All you need to do is make sure you are not one of the wicked.”
2012 does seem to be when things really got crazy.
I could tell ya. But you would have to wait two weeks.