I was thinking this week that it makes me really nervous that we are trying to resolve this corruption through a corrupt legal system. I know military is the only way but that comes with its own set of risky issues.
If the plan doesnt end in the complete destruction of the fed, interest rates/lending, legal structure rework, schooling, and even requirements for politicians with transparency then i am going to go out on a limb and say it isnt a very good plan.
I feel like devolution is a bit of a pipe dream but at the same time anything short of a reset is going to have us right back here in 100 years or less just like the first time.
Very true. I question if we’re not too far gone to make any kind of meaningful change? Corruption has rotted our institutions from the inside out. It’s like we’d need to dismantle so much, arrest so many that whatever remains would not even resemble our country. I’m not dooming but every time I try wrap my head around the magnitude of our problems, My brain starts to short out.
Taking on one thing inevitably means taking on everything. I don’t know how that can be done. The British exported their criminals to Australia, the Soviets sent their “criminals” to Siberia. Where do we sent ours? What do we do with innocent spouses or children? Do we become a nation of jailed prisoners and guards? How do we undo 75 years of media and mockingbird lies?