Whether you do or don't isn't the point. What you think is yours really isn't. Things will be completely wiped out. Federal Reserve Notes will be worthless. Banks won't be running. Once people realize what's happening it'll be too late. Stores ransacked and it will be the last place you'll want to be. "You''ll own nothing and be happy" (Klaus Schwab). Starving people will take from others. It's just like they showed us in movies. Predictive programming and it's coming to us in real time this time.
Whether you do or don't isn't the point. What you think is yours really isn't. Things will be completely wiped out. Federal Reserve Notes will be worthless. Banks won't be running. Once people realize what's happening it'll be too late. Stores ransacked and it will be the last place you'll want to be. "You''ll own nothing and be happy" (Klaus Schwab). Starving people will take from others. It's just like they showed us in movies. Predictive programming and it's coming to us in real time this time.
damn! ...so, buy a yacht!
If you believe this, what in the heck are you doing here?
Just dropping red pills wherever I can to warn people.
I don't dooming equals redpills.
probably more of a black pill huh.