The Cleveland Browns now have 14 that tested positive for Covid and at this time can’t play on Saturday against Las Vegas. All are vaccinated. The LA Rams I understand have 9 testing positive. All are vaccinated. I would think the whole world, vaxxed and pure alike, would be asking WTF?
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wait till they start dropping on the field like the soccer players
Been wondering about that including NBA. Makes me think they are getting a different milder dose targeted as such so as not to wake everyone up at the same time. Do it judiciously and slowly over time since the program now includes endless boosters until death.
Go to the comments over there all about Aaron Rodgers fault, and the unvaxed faults. Its quite amazing really. One guy changed his Disqus name to Glenshire triple vaxed! and damn proud of it. Lol
Did you check it out?
It was a California weather site ??
I remember last year when 77 NFL players tested "positive" for the Coof. Then, those same players had another test from a different lab, and ALL tested "negative."
That helped wake me up. Maybe this will help wake up others, but a lot of people seem to have blinders on.
yes. my buddy is a good guy, he's a smart guy too but he's a bit of a normie on covid / vaxx. He wont get his kid vaxx'd but he did at his now ex wifes insistance. And before you sneed, yes, he is legit a smart guy, he's a good guy, and he's a warrior, he's just had so much shit go on in his life he aint looking into this stuff and since we live in a red state, nothings "changing" so far. BUT just last weekend he said, ya you were right about the breakthroughs..... because he watches nfl / does the fantasy league thing.
Bet they give it to Brady when he makes it to the Super Bowl!