While this is an amusing comment, who would you shoot if they implemented vax to vote? Would you go to the polling location with your weapon?
How would that work out?
My point is that if Q and Q+ don't actually have a plan then we are screwed. You can't just take your rifle and start shooting people because you don't like a policy.
You have to wait until things get much worse. This is why I'm here at GA.win because we think Q and Q+ are going to get us through this.
If there is no plan and we are screwed, it doesn't matter who one shoots. Poll workers willing to be poll workers despite such a move, police defending them, willingly blind people enabling the disease scare to persist... If we're done for, there are no moral or ethical restraints anymore-I will die one thousand times defending God given liberty before I civilly accept satanic tyranny. If nothing will work, everything is worth trying.
While this is an amusing comment, who would you shoot if they implemented vax to vote? Would you go to the polling location with your weapon?
How would that work out?
My point is that if Q and Q+ don't actually have a plan then we are screwed. You can't just take your rifle and start shooting people because you don't like a policy.
You have to wait until things get much worse. This is why I'm here at GA.win because we think Q and Q+ are going to get us through this.
While I don’t think this will happen, if they were somehow able to get this passed, it would be the shot heard around the world.
If there is no plan and we are screwed, it doesn't matter who one shoots. Poll workers willing to be poll workers despite such a move, police defending them, willingly blind people enabling the disease scare to persist... If we're done for, there are no moral or ethical restraints anymore-I will die one thousand times defending God given liberty before I civilly accept satanic tyranny. If nothing will work, everything is worth trying.
The purpose of these types of moves is to get the people to kill each other. Find the ones who pull the strings, not regular idiots.
Yep. Provoke a civil war.