Looking it up a Chris craft commander 42 isn't all that expensive of a yacht as far as a yacht goes. I seen Denzel Washington's yacht in Mexico once. That looked like an expensive yacht. I figured child trafficking would be more profitable than what Denzel does.
Apparently they are. I always remembered them as those nice all wooden lake boats with motors from the 50s. Fully restored those ones are worth some decent change.
Looking it up a Chris craft commander 42 isn't all that expensive of a yacht as far as a yacht goes. I seen Denzel Washington's yacht in Mexico once. That looked like an expensive yacht. I figured child trafficking would be more profitable than what Denzel does.
Is Chris Craft still even made? They were older wooden boats from same time as Uniflite which my dad worked for.
Apparently they are. I always remembered them as those nice all wooden lake boats with motors from the 50s. Fully restored those ones are worth some decent change.