I found out today a very liberal friend hasn't gotten the jab, b/c his wife is in to natural remedies. I know some naturalists are here, but many are not. Other groups we should be reaching out to:
naturalist - left and right leaning black people - there are a lot of black people very against the jab. I am sure there are some on here, but how do we come together as a whole
If we can unite with these groups, we break the right vs left paradigm. If we break that paradigm the cabal's divide and conquer game will crumble.
This! ^
It is very frustrating on anon platforms like GAW that we can't make IRL contact and create group meetings, actions, etc. But something tells me that is all going to change quite soon.
Swervish is right, Trump platform(s) will open things up like never before. I don't know how just yet, but there is a brand new feeling in the air. Can you feel it?