posted ago by PumpkinsAndPopsums ago by PumpkinsAndPopsums +20 / -0

Been seeing a lot of vax related stuff on here today, and with MSM attempting to fan the pitifully dull flames of Omicron panic, I had some stuff on my mind about just how great natural immunity really is.

My household is what MSM would consider a prime candidate for Covid troubles. My mom has an auto-immune disease, I have an abnormally low white bloodcell count in addition to a ton of other shit, and my dad works in radiology at a hospital 4 nights a week. He's exposed to covid on a regular basis.

All 3 of us are unvaxxed. All 3 of us are completely fine, covid-wise, and we have been this entire damn time. You'd think that two people with weak immune systems living under the same roof as a man who works around covid regularly would have CERTAINLY contracted it by now. And hey, maybe we have. "Asymptomic cases," and all that.

I feel for folks who have caught covid and had a rough time. I know some people on these boards have had family members get it and have a hard time. I don't mean to brag with this post. BUT...I do mean to simply make a point about how fuckin useless the clotshot is, lmao.

You've Pedo Joe and Fauci and all these grimey fuckers going on and on about how people like me and both of my parents are going to be the downfall of us all, when we're literally FINE. It goes without saying that vaxxed people are worse off for a ton of reasons, but with every passing day and every passing variant, I feel better about my household and our health. I mean, shit, my mom and I haven't really even been "normal sick" since all this went down. You'd think that would've happened with the white blood cell stuff. But nope. And the DS wants us to be afraid of the Omicron variant and go get 3 shots as soon as possible, even though the highest statistic of people supposedly infected by Omicron is fully vaxxed people. L O FUCKING L......

Just wanted to share some late night rambling thoughts, as I tend to do sometimes. Natural immunity fuckin' rocks. It makes me laugh to see how hard "they" are trying to convince people like me that being unvaxxed is bad and dangerous, when I'm literally walking & breathing proof that it does nothing and it's fine and I'm better off for it. OH...and if they try to play the "you'll spread it to others" card, then they're admitting that 3 damn clotshots and counting isn't good enough to protect someone from us filthy undesirables who don't even get sick. Ha! Ha I say...

...Anyways. You all have a good evening, or morning, or whatever time it is when you read this 😅 It's almost 2AM for me. Time to get some sleep and see if Santa brings us some early Christmas presents tomorrow in the form of indictments and booms...👀🍿

Gnight, WWG1WGA~ ✌