I normally like your posts. In this case, you’re in the wrong. No matter the circumstances, changes could be made to swap to homeschooling. Change isn’t always easy and sometimes straight up difficult.
As for your comment with Ron and Bernie could still win. Trump knew Bernie was an actual threat and stood a good shot if the corrupt system hadn’t sidelined him. There was enough dumbasses back then who woulda voted for him making it problematic.
I normally like your posts. In this case, you’re in the wrong. No matter the circumstances, changes could be made to swap to homeschooling. Change isn’t always easy and sometimes straight up difficult.
As for your comment with Ron and Bernie could still win. Trump knew Bernie was an actual threat and stood a good shot if the corrupt system hadn’t sidelined him. There was enough dumbasses back then who woulda voted for him making it problematic.