I live in a supposedly blue state but don't trust that label because our elections have been rigged for decades.
Moving is an option that some are considering but if you follow Brendon O'Connell's work you'll have also considered that there may be a deliberate effort that includes people we presently consider to be "good guys" to coerce migration so Patritos are more consolidated.
The carrots coming out of Florida to entice Patriots to relocate there, for example, sound like slightly higher brow bribes than the ice cream offers for children who agree to take their jabs. Maybe I'm too suspicious or perhaps I am right. Time will tell.
What I am sure of is that what we're experiencing now is not by any means the final phase of their plans. Many in the US think it is impossible, for example, that we'll ever lose our guns but those same people, some of them, may still be thinking in the very short term of this year or next and may not have considered how very patient the DS is.
We are less able to defend ourselves if we are consolidated. I hope a lot of Patriots in blue states will stay put to defend our homes.
In 4 or 5 years, maybe sooner, AI machines may be employed to do the collection and enforcement work that our fellow men in law enforcement, wouldn't because they refuse to turn against us or couldn't because we are armed. If I am right that they are deliberately working to divide us geographically for future projects they have in store, by moving we would be cooperating with their efforts.
I live in a supposedly blue state but don't trust that label because our elections have been rigged for decades.
Moving is an option that some are considering but if you follow Brendon O'Connell's work you'll have also considered that there may be a deliberate effort that includes people we presently consider to be "good guys" to coerce migration so Patritos are more consolidated.
The carrots coming out of Florida to entice Patriots to relocate there, for example, sound like slightly higher brow bribes than the ice cream offers for children who agree to take their jabs. Maybe I'm too suspicious or perhaps I am right. Time will tell.
What I am sure of is that what we're experiencing now is not by any means the final phase of their plans. Many in the US think it is impossible, for example, that we'll ever lose our guns but those same people, some of them, may still be thinking in the very short term of this year or next and may not have considered how very patient the DS is.
We are less able to defend ourselves if we are consolidated. I hope a lot of Patriots in blue states will stay put to defend our homes.
In 4 or 5 years, maybe sooner, AI machines may be employed to do the collection and enforcement work that our fellow men in law enforcement, wouldn't because they refuse to turn against us or couldn't because we are armed. If I am right that they are deliberately working to divide us geographically for future projects they have in store, by moving we would be cooperating with their efforts.