Have you considered the harmfulness of blue light emitted from modern devices such as TVs, phones & tablets? It is said to increase cancer risk, can cause insomnia & bad sleep, depression ...many of its effects on the human body further lower the immune system, especially bad sleep & depression. Movie theaters don't use screens, they use projectors. Probably much less harmful. Furthermore it's not just the blue light emitted from these devices, it's also the frequencies / electromagnetic forces emitted, even when they're on standby. Lastly the easy access & "automatic next episode" function along with recommended titles based on their data collection from you, make it so much more tempting to "binge" tv shows, movies etc, something which you can't do at a movie theater.
Have you considered the harmfulness of blue light emitted from modern devices such as TVs, phones & tablets? It is said to increase cancer risk, can cause insomnia & bad sleep, depression ...many of its effects on the human body further lower the immune system, especially bad sleep & depression. Movie theaters don't use screens, they use projectors. Probably much less harmful. Furthermore it's not just the blue light emitted from these devices, it's also the frequencies / electromagnetic forces emitted, even when they're on standby. Lastly the easy access & "automatic next episode" function along with recommended titles based on their data collection from you, make it so much more tempting to "binge" tv shows, movies etc, something which you can't do at a movie theater.
Hey - good points! Some of that I have never even heard of. Thank you.