I love the photo of GEOTUS coming home from a rally super late and seeing his wearyness with his tie undone. It's a favorite picture of mine. No one works this hard in politics. I have never seen an elite this tired. I felt my president was a common man doing great things. I became a true believer in his purpose and vision for the good of all Americans. And just a reminder. He never took a salary, he donated everything. No one has ever done this. I'm going to see this through come hell or high water. You cannot put me to sleep and I infom my children about the poison and agenda that surrounds them. Critical thinking...
I love the photo of GEOTUS coming home from a rally super late and seeing his wearyness with his tie undone. It's a favorite picture of mine. No one works this hard in politics. I have never seen an elite this tired. I felt my president was a common man doing great things. I became a true believer in his purpose and vision for the good of all Americans. And just a reminder. He never took a salary, he donated everything. No one has ever done this. I'm going to see this through come hell or high water. You cannot put me to sleep and I infom my children about the poison and agenda that surrounds them. Critical thinking...
That is my favorite as well.
That's my favorite too.