Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom? Part 1
The Unity of Knowledge
Real, not rare.
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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
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Opium, Synthetic Cults and the Haunting of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
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Thomas Renz: Everything about the plandemic is based on fear and manipulation
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People Don’t ‘Trust The Science’ Because Too Many Scientists Are Liars With Agendas
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David Icke’s Latest Message This Is What Is Changing The World Right Now"
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What Can We Do to Cut Through the Propaganda?
Survival basics: The 9-step universal edibility test
I have a good friend who has a Doctorate in Agronomy....
He assures me that all the fear porn over GMOs is a tempest in a teapot and another lie in the line of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring diatribe against DDT which according to him, has caused her to be responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of people all over the world....
He finds the line,"don't eat an animal that has eaten a GMO grain crop" hilarious ...
I would love for you to sit down and speak with this gentleman, he is a walking encyclopedia concerning all things farming and the food chain....
FTA: Research shows that at least half of all GMO studies are funded by the GMO industry, while the majority of the other half are funded by governments. There has also long been a revolving door between GMO industry insiders and the FDA and EPA; officials often work for Monsanto and then get jobs with the government, then go back to Monsanto again. The back scratching is so egregious that the government even created special legal protections for GMO companies like Monsanto under what is now known as the Monsanto Protection Act (Section 735 of Agricultural Appropriations Bill HR 993) under the Obama Administration in 2013. This essentially makes GMO companies immune to litigation over GMOs, and the same protections have been renewed in different bills ever since.
Sound familiar? I'm sure your friend means well and perhaps he's correct about some things, but when it looks like a racket and behaves like a racket, it's a racket. Rackets always benefit some at the expense of others, and government facilitated rackets have demonstrated no qualms about harming people, animals and the whole of Mother Nature.
No matter what your friend would tell me and no matter how correct he may be, the one thing he can't do is restore my trust in the government and its racket operations, and that includes GMO. you wish...
Ask Me Anything —AMA forum for those who want to partake?
He wasn't "peddling" anything to me...
...he is an old man and a deacon in my church and has absolutely no reason not to be honest with me,,,,
...I was the was as skeptical as all of you are but I believe that I can discern the truth when I hear it...(most of the times howls....) each his own....