Ontario’s ‘top doctor’ says double-vaxxed people should stay away from triple-vaxxed relatives
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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realizing it's not PC to use this word anymore, BUT that so-called doctor is super retarded. isolating elders, especially during holidays, leads to loneliness and depression and ill health. also, if they are supposedly protected by their three jabs, why can't they be around double jabbed family at Christmas, which for some of them is their last Christmas? And why does anyone listen to these idiots? I think the whole world took some stupid pills. There is no cure for stupid.
Whenever I hear the word "Retard" I think of Greg Mannarino (you should check him on youtube if you havent, he is a redpilling finance guy who is also infinitely hilarious.) Every now and then he uses the word Retard and then his email box blows up and people start screaming at him, and then he relishes all that in his next video. Very hilarious.