Where I live soon the vaccine will be mandated. I have been preparing my "defense" for a few weeks now.
I found this curiosity; If you read this document:
You will find under Section 6.1 that two chemical compounds called "ALC-0315" and "ALC-0159" are contained in the comirnaty vaccine.
If you look at what those are, you end up at a company called "Echelon":
Now at the time of writing both of these links are broken, but I have found the tech sheets of both chemicals using the internet archive.
And in the tech sheets for both chemicals it specifically says: "For research purpose only! Not for human use!"
Maybe it helps someone out there. Maybe it will redpill some friends or family.
I would send them the Seneff paper: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/23/51