Oh, hai, MSM, we're "teh QAnons," and thanks so much for thinking of us NON-STOP... over the holidays... And on through New Year's.... all through the Dark Winter... On into Spring.... Psst. Wanna know something, MSM? NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMINGGGG! Sweet dreams, you hacks!

These people can’t be that dumb… can they?
I mean they’re … evil as fuck / but these headlines just jump off the page to me as fake …. My hope is people are seeing the same thing!
They're not dumb, they're evil and malicious. They deliberately lie about everything we believe and believe in. What better way to keep normies in the dark than to lie about everything?
Media: "Those QAnons are crazy people that want to overthrow the government."
Normies: "Those QAnons are crazy people that want to overthrow the government REEEEEE!"
I think there's a point where Hanlon's razor breaks down. At this point I'm assuming any "journalist" screaming, shouting and gaslighting is fully inline with their pedo-masters, and is knowingly, knowingly, knowing, committing sedition against the republic.
people are that dumb. some people.
Some people? Many people. Try talking to the people around you that are still asleep. They are deliberately in that state, and most are dumber than dirt.
simply meant that when I said people, i was not generalizing to ALL people as is the common implication.