Remember, though, how he had the rallies 'boo' on cue after mentioning Mexico and The Wall. Might be conditioning us on this response too. It is the same trigger/response every time it is addressed in an interview with him.
I wonder if Trump's position on the jab is so that he cannot be accused of acting contrary to the citizens' benefit - somehow the DS could claim he is working antithetical to the benefit of the US (treason charge?). I don't feel that he believes in the jab but is promoting it as a political position.
What bothers me the most is him bragging about “warp speed” and “we made these vaccines happen”, etc. He’s a sitting duck for the BLAME when this vaccine scam finally falls apart. Which it will.
Who cares what the deep state thinks. Aren’t we already taking them down, like very soon? And people will wake up?
This is the point I have questions. If we have it all, devolution will be exposed on Christmas, and people are dying from the vaccine the very week before it’s exposed, it looks like Trump is afraid of the DS and has to be careful or it will hurt him in some way.
If he’s really going to return and nothing can stop that, why would he be afraid of the opinion of people who are about to wake up? And this is certain. They will be told about the evil cabal and the vaccine plan. He could just not say anything because he has it all and nothing can stop what’s coming.
Remember, though, how he had the rallies 'boo' on cue after mentioning Mexico and The Wall. Might be conditioning us on this response too. It is the same trigger/response every time it is addressed in an interview with him.
I wonder if Trump's position on the jab is so that he cannot be accused of acting contrary to the citizens' benefit - somehow the DS could claim he is working antithetical to the benefit of the US (treason charge?). I don't feel that he believes in the jab but is promoting it as a political position.
What bothers me the most is him bragging about “warp speed” and “we made these vaccines happen”, etc. He’s a sitting duck for the BLAME when this vaccine scam finally falls apart. Which it will.
Unless the 'rushing' of the vaccine development actually fouled up their more lethal plans.
Who cares what the deep state thinks. Aren’t we already taking them down, like very soon? And people will wake up?
This is the point I have questions. If we have it all, devolution will be exposed on Christmas, and people are dying from the vaccine the very week before it’s exposed, it looks like Trump is afraid of the DS and has to be careful or it will hurt him in some way.
If he’s really going to return and nothing can stop that, why would he be afraid of the opinion of people who are about to wake up? And this is certain. They will be told about the evil cabal and the vaccine plan. He could just not say anything because he has it all and nothing can stop what’s coming.