Is he so insulated from our world that he doesn't know what we know? What are your theories and thoughts?
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Its a bit tangential but not by that much - trumpism will outlast trump.
If you teach people to think for themselves firstly, and secondly to speak out about these positions no matter how fake-news tries to taint these views by labeling them racist or bigoted or mean, then you better be prepared for when that is turned on you.
If the 'vaccine' has killed more in 12 months than all other vaccines combined for the last 50 years.. and this lethality has held true in essentially all nations with respect to their counts of vax injuries for the moderna/pfizer/J&J/AZ ones. And not the russian or chinese ones, incidentally. And if you try and claim this as a great victory or achievement.. there's only one way that can go. Are there complexities he knows that all of us are ignorant of? No doubt. But what person thinks any position like this will be well received by the crowd?