posted ago by CaptainQuip ago by CaptainQuip +56 / -0

Grocery store called about a salad recall, so I was casually perusing the list of recent recalls on https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts .

I found this on page 2:

12/03/2021 Gilead Veklury® (remdesivir 100 mg for injection) Drugs Presence of glass particulates Gilead Sciences Inc

Haven't heard much about Gilead through this pandemic, makes me wonder what other shady shit they're up to. Still, not one media outlet, mainstream or otherwise has said a word about it that I know of. I would think glass in an injectable would be front page news, especially when it's the drug of choice for their 'Covid Protocol'! Just another reason to avoid this awful drug like the plague!