Lower values, still some toxicity and reproductive health concern...fits with the Horse paste SDS though, as that clearly shows half of it's 'toxicity' is from Proprietary Ingredients 1-3 (overall acute tox.=4, ivermectin ingredient=2 on that sheet).
[edit: Search result/link might have baited and switched me. This could be a general SDS...can't seem to find where FisherSci manufactures a pill, even looking for subsidiaries is coming up dry.]
Are the same warnings made about ivermectin in pill form?
Here's (what at least appears to be) a human consumption pill-form SDS. https://www.fishersci.com/store/msds?partNumber=AAJ6277703&productDescription=IVERMECTIN+1G&vendorId=VN00024248&countryCode=US&language=en
Lower values, still some toxicity and reproductive health concern...fits with the Horse paste SDS though, as that clearly shows half of it's 'toxicity' is from Proprietary Ingredients 1-3 (overall acute tox.=4, ivermectin ingredient=2 on that sheet).
[edit: Search result/link might have baited and switched me. This could be a general SDS...can't seem to find where FisherSci manufactures a pill, even looking for subsidiaries is coming up dry.]
Most intelligent response in this post. Thank you. Exactly what I was talking about.